If you’re looking for a fun and tasty lunch in Boca Raton, we would highly recommend the Living Green Cafe.

We had discovered Living Green on a previous trip to Boca Raton. It was great then, and it was great again this time. Tucked in a shopping center full of different restaurant options, it’s easy to miss this little gem, tucked behind a portico that’s covered with the lush vegetation so common in south Florida.

The Restaurant
Living Green Boca
The entrance to Living Green in Boca Raton is covered in foliage, it’s bot relaxing and cooling for your dining experience..

The entrance, actually is at the back of a roofed and vine-covered portico, which has a fan and provides a great dining experience – especially during the warmer months. It’s one of two outdoor seating areas at the restaurant.

Living Green BocaRaton, Fla
The patio area at Living Green in Boca Raton is a great place to dine. It’s covered in lush vegetation, and far enough away from the street so diners are not bothered by noise from Federal Highway, which runs in front of the restaurant.

Inside of course is air conditioned. There’s a community table and a row of individual tables against a bright window. Apparently, they have wonderful internet service. There were people coming and going armed with laptop computers and an appetite.

We watched as they enjoyed lunch, working on various projects. There was a steady ebb and flow of those who apparently were using their lunch hour to the best possible advantage.

interior of Living Green in Boca Raton
Lot of seating options were available inside as well. There was a community table that ran down the center of the room. Then there was a row of individual tables placed along the south, windowed wall of the restaurant.
Dining Selections are Many at Living Green

We didn’t spend much time on our computer. We were much more interested in the selections for lunch. There was no shortage of options there. In addition to a couple rows of meats, vegetables and other options, Living Green had a great collection of wraps, sandwiches and other selections.

Living Green Boca
One side of the buffet at Living Green in Boca faced a wall of drink options.

Layout of the store was quite convenient. We could look at our drink options, then peruse the one side of the buffet.

Living Green Boca buffet
The other side of the buffet led us to the section of snacks, sandwiches, wraps and other offerings.

The other side of the buffet abutted the glass cases with wraps, sandwiches, quiches and other offerings.

This became a hard choice. There were so many options at the buffet, that we really didn’t need anything else. And, the gals behind the counter were generous with their portions. By the way, you could ask for more, or less of what you’d offered. First, there’s only so much room on the plate and second, your order is charged simply by the ounce.

Living Green Boca
Here’s a better look at the south side of the buffet at Living Green in Boca Raton.

As you can see, there’s a wide variety of hot and cold veggie selections. There are cooked eggplant and peppers, and there are cold salad and slaw selections as well. The choices are not easy.

Living Green Boca Buffet
The east side of the buffet was just as tasty. This is where the bulk of the meat and cooked selections reside.

The east side was not an easier decision. This is where most of the cooked vegetables, meats and other offerings were kept. The gals behind the counter were well versed, and were quick to explain any and all of the items, what were in them and how they were prepared.

But for those who wanted handhelds, the Living Green staff had spent no small amount of time preparing sandwiches, wraps, caprese, quiches and other offerings.

Living Green Boca
There were no shortage of handhelds. And like everything else, the chefs had paid close attention to each of their creations. This was one of two glass cases they had holding sandwiches, wraps and other delights.
Our Lunch at Living Green

We already had filled our plates when I got to this glass case. Despite the fact that I already probably had gotten too much, I was seduced by the spanakopita, and got one of those as well.

As we said before, there is a choice of dining areas. Due to the mildness of the day, and the lack of customers, we chose to eat outside. There is a two-top table with leather chairs just outside the door. We grabbed it quickly and sat down to enjoy our selections.

Living Green Boca Raton
These were our lunch selections. As you can see, Sandra got a blueberry muffin for dessert. My spanokpita is not pictured in this shot. We opted for some of the Living Green Lemon Water as our beverage of choice.

We enjoyed a tasty lunch in the late afternoon. It was quite pleasant, and I was surprised at the lack of flies or other annoying bugs, given that this was a target-rich environment for insects looking for a handout.

Apparently, Living Green in Boca Raton is part of a small chain of restaurants. There are four in south Florida, two of which also have markets attached to them. Sadly, the Boca Raton location did not have a market, or we probably would have found some items to carry home with us as souvenirs.

Other Options

For those who do not get quite enough, or like a sweet ending to their meal, Living Green does have a special case just for you.

Living Green Boca Raton
This is the desert case. The caption reads “Moderation in all things.” I tried to get a shot of the goodies without the glare, but could not get the right angle.

And for those of you who like the fruit of the vine, Living Green in Boca Raton also had a great selection of wines.

Living Green Boca
There is a nice selection of wines here. It remains unclear whether or not you can consume your purchase on premises.

In the end, I will tell you that the food was delicious. It was high quality ingredients and well prepared. We could have had as much or as little as we desired. This is the kind of place we could return to regularly to try their offerings.

In addition, they even have breakfast, which is a whole nother blog.

We recommend Living Green Boca Raton, and plan to return there on our next visit. In fact, if we are in Pompano Beach, Fort Lauderdale, or Oakland Park, we will be testing their other locations to see how they measure up to our Boca Raton experience.

Here’s a hint; visit their website and you might get a free coupon.