At the Florida Fun Zone we are always looking for a reason to go find quirky and fascinating places. The month of September is chock full of special observances that will give us an opportunity to travel and explore. Here are a few of the designations we can CELEBRATE!

All American Breakfast Month Link
Be Kind To Editors & Writers Month
Bourbon Heritage Month Link
Childrens’ Good Manners Month
Classical Music Month  Link
Eat Chicken Month
Fall Hat Month
Happy Cat Month Link
International Square Dancing Month
Library Card Sign-up Month
Little League Baseball Month  Link
Million Minute Family Challenge (September-December)
National Americana Month  Link
National Bake & Decorate Month
National Cheese Month  Link
National Chicken Month Link
National Coupon Month
National Fruit and Veggies Month
National Home Furnishings Month
National Honey Month Link
National Mushroom Month Link
National Organic Harvest Month Link
National Passport Awareness Month  Link
National Pet Memorial Month Link
National Prime Beef Month Link
National Prosper Where You Are Planted Month
National Rice Month
National Sewing Month  Link
National Service Dog Month
National Shake Month (Ice Cream)
National Skin Care Awareness Month
National Piano Month Link  Link
National Preparedness Month
National Wilderness Month
Pleasure Your Mate Month
Save Your Photos Month  Link
Self Improvement Month Link
September Is Healthy Aging Month
Shameless Promotion Month
Sports and Home Eye Health & Safety Month
Subliminal Communications Month
Update Your Resume Month
Whole Grains Month
Wild Rice Month Link
Women’s Friendship Month

Let us know how will you be observing any or all of these ! Visit our Florida Fun Zone Facebook page or drop us a line at [email protected].





