Happy New Year to all our Florida Fun Zone readers. First off, we would like to thank you and all of the folks who have stopped by here and our other social media platforms to look at our posts regarding our travels, helpful hints and suggestions for upcoming events.
 It has been a little over a year since we started pursuing this in earnest and since that time we have logged in dozens of accommodations, restaurants, activities and points of interest.
 And we are just getting started.
 This coming year, our idea is to bring you additional ways to see what we have seen including the addition of a YouTube channel and even some podcasts.
  We are learning how to make these things work as well as how to keep what we have at an operational level.
 As always, we are interested in your suggestions. Sadly, because of spambots we have had to disable the comments on our articles. However, we welcome your comments on our Florida Fun Zone Facebook page, tweets on our Florida Fun Zone Twitter account or you can email us at [email protected].
  We value your suggestions on places to go, things to see and your ideas on ways to plan, gadgets to use or your opinions on our articles.
  Stay tuned – we think that there will be a lot more Florida fun – and fun zones in 2018. And thanks again for stopping by!
   – Florida & Mrs. Funmeister