In the past we have written about the little multi-plug we carry to extend our ability to have sufficient electrical sockets when we arrive at a motel that does not have all the facilities we need.
 On a recent shopping trip, Mrs. Funmeister found a new and improved model made by Charging Essentials . This one not only handles double the electrical sockets as our old one (6), it also has a brace of four USB ports that provide for charging of all manner of devices from phones and tablets to power sticks.
  We have been happy that a lot of motels seem to have located ways to add sockets in convenient locations. One of the best is the desk lamp that has both electrical sockets as well as USB ports. However, not all the properties have these and it pays to come prepared.
  As we have found, many times each and every electrical socket already is in use. There are lamps, a TV, refrigerator or microwave plugged into each socket. That’s why we carry our own.
  In the past, we had used a simple 3-port unit we found at the dollar store – and it served us well. Whether it was the diffuser, a charger, our laptop or some other device, it was worth its weight in gold more times than not.
  Especially since, by the time you are settled in your room and find out that you are socket-deficient, you really don’t feel like going out again,
  The new units came in a double pack for about $15. In addition to adding to our ability to plug in multiple units, these also come with a built-in surge protector and the USB units charging lights turn from red to green when the units are fully charged. How cool is that?
 While it gives increased service, it is not appreciably larger than the other multi-plug we carried. In fact, both fit in a Crown Royal bag together for easy transportation inside our gadget bag.
 We have had good luck with this improved multi-plug, although there are a few drawbacks. There is only one plug on the back that fits over the wall socket, and we have had to either get longer USB cords or leave our phones on the floor because this new multi-plug fit into the standard wall socket and most of them are closer to the ground.
Although it is a bit bigger than the three-socket model, it also travels well and certainly is a recommendation for your in-room bag for when you go moteling.
 If you take our suggestions, please let us know. Visit our Florida Fun Zone Facebook page or drop us a line at [email protected].