So quite a while back, we got a sample of Tossits. These are large plastic baggies designed to keep your car clean and neat while you travel. An apt description for people our age might be “these are litter bags on steroids.”
Although Tossits are referred to by the manufacturer as “car garbage bags,” they really are heavier and much nicer than that description might indicate.
We’d meant to mount them in the car and field test them earlier, but life got in the way. Boy, was that a mistake.
Tossits are made to go over the back of the seat. The system is mounted with a sturdy cord that loops around the headrest. It also has a heavy rectangular plastic plate that helps to hold the bags steady and in place.
For those who are not mechanically inclined, the back of the package even comes with simple instructions – highlighted with pictograms so even I could figure it out.
We opted to put them on the back of the driver’s seat, so Mrs. Funmeister (who is in charge of all things not driving) would have an easy reach to throw things away. In fact, we thought it would be filled up in a single outing.
Putting Them to Work
So we took a trip to Englewood, and there still was room, so we left them in place. Then, we took trips to Kissemmee and Fort Myers Beach. Still plenty of room. Since then, we visited Orlando then headed over to Cocoa for a couple days.
The bag still was not entirely full.
We have been astonished at the amount pf material the Tossits hold and how well they stay anchored on the back of the seats. If you note the bags on the floor in the photos above – those are gone, the back seat now is neat and clean. The most important thing is – Mrs, Funmeister is happy.
In the past, after a trip the floor in the back of the car has had litter. It was a mishmash of paper cups, drink bottles, various flyers, bags and other debris. It was not dirty – but it certainly got messy. No longer. Our biggest regret has been that we didn’t try Tossits sooner.
Moreover, this is just the first of a series of bags. When finished, the first one will have lasted around six weeks and four major trips (one with extended family). That does not count the incidental driving and shorter trips inbetween our vacation outings.
Finally Full
Mrs Funmeister finally decided that our bag was full, and we set about tearing it off the pack.
The bag came off easily. I had worried it might have rather melted to the pack, cooped up in the car as it was, parked beneath our baking Florida sun. However, it peeled off without incident quickly and easily.
Because it came off so cleanly. it then was easy to fold over and seal without issue. At this point allow me to say, I still think the bag could have withstood another trip (or two). One reason the bag lasted so long – I think – is that we have mostly trash and not any garbage.
Incidentally, the seal is very stout. You neither have to worry about the bag coming open when you get ready to toss it nor having the bag tear in any way. I will tell you even if it is crammed with heavy objects – that bag is glued fast.
Tossits Pass the Test
Perhaps the best part of the Tossits system is that they really are a preventative measure. As Ben Franklin noted, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” It keeps things off the floor and the car clean and neat.
Tossits are worth much more than a single pound of cure.
We now have a new expression. When I hand my wife something, I will ask “Keep it or Tossit?” She generally responds “Tossit.” And into the bag it goes.
We recommend these things highly, Our plan is to keep several rolls on hand. These would also make great gifts to friends who travel – especially anybody with children. They are easy enough to remove an seal, even some of the older youngsters could do it with ease.
If you want to try them for yourself, Tossits are available on Amazon or at the Tossits World Headquarters in Clarkston, Michigan.